Welcome to Ideas Cafe

Exploring ideas to refresh the future

The origins of Ideas Cafe owe much to the Lunar Society. Formed about 260 years ago it helped shape the Industrial Revolution. Morph to today and a virtual revolution in almost every aspect of life.

Ideas Café is a forum to share knowledge and explore ideas. With an international audience, the aim is to learn from each other.

Resources are for tutors and your own use also – but not commercially! You might also suggest topics worthy of a paper. Just use the contact form.

Stuart Sherring


Use the links below to visit the site


A selection of topical papers for download


Complete series on a range of topics


In-depth studies of historical events


A new way to look at the world around us


Explore the world in new and fun ways

The Concept

What is Ideas Cafe?

In a world of constant change, learners inherit the earth. Meanwhile the learned are superbly equipped for a world that no longer exists.
Eric Hoffer

Key Ideas & Aims

  • Exchange knowledge, information & expertise
  • Encourage sharing & support
  • Develop new learning resources for access by all
  • Promote learning & innovation
  • Discuss ideas in a relaxed café setting
  • Create and activate social enterprise models


Do get in touch If running social history courses eg U3As to share ideas such as session planning. Adapt the content to suit but please mention my authorship too.

© Ideas Cafe 2022